Slay the Princess
[Posted 21 January 2025]
Slay the Princess is a 2023 horror visual novel dripping with gripping writing and immaculate hand-penciled art. Opening with the statement “This is a love story,” you are plunged into an anonymous wilderness with a fully-voiced narrator (aptly named The Narrator) speaking to you. He says that you are on a path in the woods, at the end of that path is a cabin, and in the basement of that cabin is a princess whom you must slay lest she supposedly end the world. The Narrator is not the only voice in your head. Shortly afterwards, you are introduced to a voice. The voice of the Hero who questions the Narrator’s statement and engages in debate or other commentary about the circumstances based on dialogue options you explore. The core game, with minimal spoilers, focuses on loops and acquisition of perspectives. No matter how you navigate chapter one, identified as such through a title card, you will die and find yourself in a second differently titled chapter with the memories of your past life intact for you, your non-Narrator voices (for new voices will join you upon death), and (as you will soon realize) for the Princess, now changed by her first encounter with you in some way depending on your choices. To communicate just how good this game is, I watched about five playthroughs of it in addition to analyses on the game and I still bought the game afterwards to experience it for myself (and to gather footage for a potential future video essay on the game). Speaking broadly, this is a game that is very much about love (among many other things) in its myriad manifestations depicted in ways that you rarely get to see. I can’t stop thinking about some of the chapters in the game, even days later and after repeated experiences. I will save my deeper thoughts for a future video or article and leave you only with the strong suggestion to experience this game in any way that you can if you have a liking for horror art and heed the gore warnings.