A collection of assorted links to things I like for largely personal reference that I’m sharing with you all.
Basic Web Resources
W3Schools - The ultimate web development reference site that has personally saved me on numerous occasions though learning pains
MDN - Bit harder to read for beginners, but still excellent documentation for web development
FreeCodeCamp - Holds your hand a little, but still generally very engaging and helpful exercises
The Odin Project - What I'm currently using to learn web development, best suited if you are serious about learning
Zine Idea Generator - Wicked cool source of inspiration for zine concepts
ZC MAG Zine Resources - Resources catered towards the creation of zines
Tiny Tools - Huge list of small, free, and/or experimental tools for all kinds of projects
ACME Labelmaker - Fun labelmaker I like
Bitsy - Quaint little game engine for simple games, easy to learn
Twine - Interactive/hypertext fiction tool for making web-based stories
Electric Zine Maker - “Quirky” zine making art toy
Sadgrl Webmaster Links - Superb web reference links
Phrontistery - Obscure words lists
Artvee - Collection of largely public domain old art and illustration
Sites I Like