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A collection of bite-sized thoughts ill-suited for anywhere else on the site, intended as a form of digital trepanation in lieu of traditional social media outlets that I no longer wish to use for these purposes.

27 January 2025 [10AM]

As it stands, it seems I write an update to this site journal every time I remember it exists so long as I haven’t already written an entry that same day. Hello again! I do have some updates for you. I have started a newsletter as an offshoot of my monthly Cursebearer Confidential perzine that you can sign up for here. I am using it as an alternative to social media platforms which I will be purging all except for Instagram which I intend to hold onto for the foreseeable future. I am not deleting accounts, but I will be barring myself from scrolling or posting on there if I can help it. I am also attempting big moves towards my goals of fostering a creative community by trying to start up a writing group & a general creative community! I’ve just set up a Discord server for a community that I would be happy to send the invite to anyone who contacts me about it. Note that it’s an 18+ community, not because of any emphasis on adult content, but to cultivate an adult-only space for safety reasons.

21 January 2025 [12PM]

Reporting from the other side of my birthday all fine & well! Day of was moderately cursed (not literally though), but I managed to pull through in the end. Pardon my silence for a good chunk of this month, I have been absorbed in a massive project that is shaping up to be 400+ pages with extensive illustrations! I aim to forget about this site journal less & try to dump my thoughts here instead of social media even if this platform denies me perks of immediacy & feedback of fake internet points.

Other Stuff:

* Employed again! No details to be shared beyond that I am busier than before.

* Collaborated with my beloved friends on a commemorative, indulgent zine at my birthday party a couple of days ago that I scanned & released for free on here with everyone’s blessing. I included the blank pages left behind by each person in the spirit of silence being its own message.

* Keeping up with a lot of my goals & habits intended for the year rather well so far! Extremely productive art-wise beyond my wildest expectations & managed to accomplish other things way ahead of schedule. Reading habit is also going rather well & even better now that I’ve formed a book club with some of my dear friends!

* Got accepted for Tampa Zine Fest in March so look out for my table there!

01 January 2025 [12PM]

Happy new year!! I need to come up with some term of endearment to refer to you lovely readers/fans/friends of Wolf Pit Machine as I’m a sucker for such things. Now that I am free of the holiday funk & empowered by the perception of a new beginning, I am excited for so many things! Prepare for new lovely things very soon.

29 December 2024 [11AM]

Picture me crawling out of the post-holidays rubble. A bit of a tough spell to end off what might still be one of the best months of my life. In news worth reporting, not only was my panel for Holiday Matsuri 2024 a massive success (full recording available on here), yesterday I released my first video essay after five whole years of saying I would make one! It’s entitled “Pathologic & Grief: A Personal Essay” & you can find it on my Essays page. I’m very proud of myself for putting in the effort & making something so personally meaningful out of a terrible tragedy.

Anyways, I wanted to make this entry for accountability purposes to outline some of my many goals for the new year. I have a lot of them, but I practice a very forgiving approach with myself wherein I won’t punish myself for failing to meet all of them. It’s simply fun to have grand aspirations to shoot for! In no particular order:

* Long-ify my dear Morranthe

* Host more panels/workshops

* Learn to knit

* Make a few more video essays

* Open online shop

* Start streaming

* Work on regular sewing/DIY wearables projects

* Monthly mini sketchbooks

* Attend a regular gym of some kind

* Read every single day

* Resume art journaling & keep up 5-year journal

* Record a cover of my favorite song

* Table at more events

* Make another game (video or tabletop)

Lastly, I wanted to share a couple words on general priorities for the new year. I want to aspire to continue the attitudes that I’ve fostered towards the tail end of this year & create in a recklessly earnest, but sustainable manner. I want to adhere strongly to my closely held principles & not waver in them as much as possible. I also intend to be better about some things I’ve struggled with in the past such as reaching out to people I want to talk to/spend more time with for fear of bothering them or not saying the right thing. Connections are important to me & I care deeply about maintaining the ones that matter. Beyond that I want to continue a lot of what I’ve been doing: practicing sharing my work, not being afraid to make money off my art, & taking risks on exciting new ideas. This year was beyond challenging, but I’m confident that I can make the new one much better. I hope the same for all of you reading this!

15 December 2024 [1PM]

Hello everyone from the other side of zine fest! Zine fest was an amazing success beyond my wildest possible expectations wherein (not to get into specifics) I managed to make back the money that I spent on my second printer dedicated to zines! Dear sweet Babygirl (printer) worked her way into paying herself off! I had a blast meeting new people & getting to share my work with fellow zine lovers. I feel incredibly inspired & beyond lucky to have had this experience that I nearly didn’t take the plunge to apply for. My friends showed up for me with support in such a heartwarming way that I will cherish forevermore. This is only the beginning (I hope) of a lengthy commitment to refining my zine craft & attending many more future events! I have applied for another zine fest at the beginning of next year & am really hopeful that I’ll be able to have another wonderful experience there.

Also, to all the new people finding my site: hello! I hope you enjoy what you see & I promise there is a great deal more fun, exciting stuff to come. Not only zines, but exciting new stickers, pins, patches, jewelry, & much more! Thank you for accompanying me on this journey & checking out this little corner of the internet I’ve carved out for us. Much love!

20 November 2024 [9AM]

My streak of wins continue as I’ve been accepted for an excellent time to host a panel at a local convention next month! The panel will be all about writing better fanfiction & I’ll get to flex my creative writing instructional muscles. I’m beyond delighted to see all my effort & risk taking pay off these days to end the year off as strong as possible. It’s been a truly difficult year that I’ve managed to persevere through & turn for the better. A site rehaul is unlikely to come any time soon with how much I have to do creatively in the coming weeks, but I do intend to work on my personal “branding” a bit soon as I redesign business cards for the sake of my debut zine fest.

18 November 2024 [3PM]

Embarrassingly long time & no see, my beloved site journal! A great deal has happened since I last checked in, the vast majority of it amazing & greatly inspiring. I finished Zinetober last month with a zine for every single day of the month & haven’t burned out on zinemaking at all as I’ve since released six extra whole zines! I am overflowing with zine ideas at this point limited only by time due to my current work schedule. I have given up on some endeavors such as my journaling channel & my novel project for the month, but I will refuse to give up on my zine exploits. Especially because I am officially tabling at a local zine fest!

In other news, my personal life is going wonderfully & I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on how far I’ve come as a person. I could not be prouder of the person I am now & how firmly I adhere to my principles & manage myself. I am increasingly more optimistic about what the future holds & what I might create.

11 October 2024 [6AM]

Hello from the other side of the Hurricane! We managed to luck out and not lose power at all. So in celebration yesterday I made and released a digital shrine for Pathologic featuring a good amount of my thoughts and blathering about the game as well as links to my fanfiction (scary)! I intend to make other digital shrines to my interests as a form of CSS practice and as an excuse to talk about things I love in a low-stress environment. Go check it out.

08 October 2024 [4PM]

Greetings gamers, I completely forgot about my site journal for a little bit there. Been busy with web development projects and Zinetober which I’ve been posting on here daily. Currently, I’m in the path of Hurricane Milton and expected to lose power. For how long is unsure, but I feel like the loss of power is basically a given at this point. I’m frankly terrified of the approaching storm and doing my best to stay sane. In other news, Pathologic 3 was announced and I’m completely losing my mind over it! I simply must make it through this hurricane (and all the rest after) so I can get to my beloved Bachelor.

27 September 2024 [4PM]

I am ill, but it’s not my fault this time! My capability to finish my promised Pathologic interactive fic is now entirely un in the air, but I will try my best. Currently my delirious brain is only capable of fixating on web design as I try to drum up excuses to make new websites and the courage to redesign this one into something more exciting. I fear I relied too much on some horrid habits when constructing it that adapting it will be a terrible challenge - but we’ll see!

13 September 2024 [8AM]

I am YouTubing now! Not making video essays (yet), but instead posting journaling videos on my intended side channel Memorial Theft. I plan to post weekly for as long as I have ideas and find the practice to be sustainable. I’m also working on my first video essay on Pathologic, expanding upon the very bare bones ideas I wrote about in my brief article posted a couple days ago. I’m not setting a personal deadline for when I am to finish it beyond the generous mandatory “by the end of the year” requirement so that I don’t fail one of my goals for the year. It’s proving difficult to tame the wretched voice inside me that loathes my writing whilst also wrangling the other voice that wants me to write on a number of other topics (particularly about women in Pathologic, an essay that truly tempts me despite how Dangerous an idea it is to write about women in a game as far as the potential risk for gross comments is concerned). Then, since I utterly failed to keep up with Pathologicfest (or is it Pathofest?), I decided that I would get back into using Twine by making an interactive fanfiction! So definitely look out for that. I hope to finish it by the end of the month.

3 September 2024 [10AM]

We are slowly getting back on track in full force. Released Issue #1 of Cursebearer Confidential and made a silly handwritten zine about my energy issues the other day that I am on the fence about releasing. All my other physical zines have a home now on my physical zine page with information on how to get your hands on one. I may set up a shop at some point in the future when I feel confident enough about my work. I still need to get myself to put more of my actual artwork into my zines instead of relying on digital collage so much.

25 August 2024 [1PM]

I missed you, my webbed site. The zine craze was glorious up until it was interrupted by a vacation, but I’m back on board to create recklessly and joyfully! Disruptions like these tend to throw me for a loop and out of my typical routine, but I’m starting to bounce back and reorient myself towards goals old and new.

Some general happenings:

* Starting up a perzine series (potentially monthly) about anything that captures my interest that fails to warrant an entire blog article or dedicated zine entitled: Cursebearer Confidential, inspired by an anonymous newsletter fantasy I once had. More details to come by the end of the month.

* I am toying with the idea of including a section on my site for my physical zines with ordering options for copies. I’m not interested in releasing all of my zines as PDFs (namely my minizines) so this would be potentially the best path for small-scale distribution to those who aren’t local.

* Setting a new goal to be some kind of professional artist in the next 5 years so I have at least one longer term goal.

* I’m going through the painful process of re-learning how to draw after allowing a lot of my skills to deteriorate with poor, infrequent practice this year. I have a long way to go and a lot of thoughts on this topic I will elaborate on in other places.

* September is on the horizon and I intend to participate in Pathologicfest in some capacity, so look out for that (maybe)!

4 August 2024 [7AM]

Hello my darling website. I am pleased to announce that I have acquired a second printer for the purpose of lower quality printing for mass zines after realizing the financial toll that zine printing would take with my original printer that I got earlier this year. I declare now that I am slated to enter an era of immense zine creation wherein I will finally start thriving and fully pick up the pieces of myself. I have many big plans and avenues where I might be able to sell my zines in-person even!

In other news, the Pathologic brain is still raging strong though I’ve slipped in my efforts to work on fanfiction updates. New ideas are swallowing me including a new original world that I collaborated on with a dear personal friend recently that I plan to write stories based in of some kind. Articles are on the horizon as well and I vow to get them out eventually.

24 July 2024 [9AM]

Allow me to skip all the fuss about how long it’s been yet again since another update. I never intended to have a regular timeframe to update this journal, it truly is whenever I feel like it and lately I haven’t been in much of a journaling mood (a real shock coming from the Journaling Guy, I know). I’ve been more or less keeping up with my fanfiction antics having written a couple more chapters of my big crossover fic that is slowly spiraling out of control as well as a sensual one shot because I got impatient for my poor doomed sapphics. Pathologic is still ricocheting around my brain every second of every day even though I am no longer playing it everyday. The article is still in the Works, I just need to find the right words that will likely come to me after the semester’s over. I’m painfully behind on paintings and need to rush to catch up despite not having any art energies in my body either.

Also expect some more creative writing from me in general when I’m allowed to post what I’ve written for class this summer that I’m relatively proud of. It’s mostly poetry as I still need to put in a lot of work on my fiction piece. I think I will eventually expand it into a much longer form because I am never going to be one for writing short original fiction. It’s just not my style. The fact that I can write short fanfiction at all is a miracle.

12 July 2024 [9AM]

Unintentionally even longer time, no see. Grief has been as unkind as predicted (even more Bad Things have happened) and the skin I’ve shed included a wealth of my daily habits. Practically everything except writing fanfiction which I’ve been sufficiently productive with enough to post one complete one shot directly grappling with an escapist grief fantasy and two chapters of a highly self-indulgent Pathologic/Locked Tomb crossover that wormed its way into my brain and refused to leave. Both are mediocre by my standards due to the fact that I haven’t been able to muster the energy to rigorously edit them, only type and send them out the door after cursory edits. I will confess to you now that I also don’t have a solid plan as to where the current story’s going, only vague ideas and motions. My thoughts turn more specific when it comes to character beats, but this is a story I need to see where it goes as it comes to me.

Pathologic article is still on its way at some point. I’m debating writing something more personally tied to my grief rather than a review of the games. My previously mentioned Other Thing about grief is also taking shape in the form of a creative nonfiction piece I’m having to write for class that I might later expand into something worthy of posting. I only hesitate because I may be too in the thick of things to properly reflect and produce something competent. I won’t know unless I try though.

29 June 2024 [5AM]

Slightly long time, no see. At least for the fledgling standards of my journal page that were being established. It’s been a rough couple of days with the highly unexpected passing of a family member that I am now undergoing the awkward motions of learning how to grieve as an adult. I intend to write something about this once the initial pains ease up as a way to cope, but for now I won’t get into it.

Other things going on:

* Pathologic brain rot has festered to the degree that I’m now working on an elaborate Dankovsky cosplay that will entail dropping a bunch of money on fabric to construct his abominable snakeskin coat. I will be basing the cosplay off his Pathologic 2 design because I love suffering and a stylish waistcoat.

* Additional brain rot has me writing proper fanfic for the first time in well over a decade to the detriment of other activities. I don’t know what it is about these games that is compelling me so to produce writing that isn’t based off of my original characters made for the setting like most of my other fanfic impulses entail, but the claws are in me. I have so many ideas and I’m only getting more as I go through Clara’s route for the first time (currently on day 8) and delight in slaughtering random knife guys with my silly little hands. I’m also outlining an article of sorts on Pathologic, exactly what that will consist of remains up in the air.

* No progress has been made on other creative projects as my brain is currently too directly hyperfixated and pained to allow much room.

20 June 2024 [4AM]

I have descended into a state of fully fledged Pathologic brain rot and I so dearly want to write/make something about it. I hesitate because it feels like so much has been made about the games in the vein of video essays and other dissections to the point that I don’t know what I could exactly say without repeating a great deal of the same things. Honestly, I’m tempted to anyway because I will devour every piece talking about these games no matter what and even return to them multiple times. I believe this is my actual favorite game of all time, above even Bloodborne in my heart. I knew this to be true when I played them for the first time under a year ago, but I was unwilling to be so quick to accept it. I even wrote a terrible sonnet about it for class. At the very least I am now seriously considering making some sort of TTRPG based on Pathologic, seeking mostly to capture the narrative angles over a direct translation of mechanics to the format. This will likely have to be a longer project so I can give it the development it deserves and playtest it properly before releasing it to the public.

17 June 2024 [5AM]

Officially released my new collaborative journaling TTRPG yesterday! Passing Notes is a collaborative asynchronous GM-less TTRPG about passing a notebook around between your friends to build up a document chronicling a mystery in your local area. Created with the vision of playing younger (ideally teenaged or older kid) characters engaged in mystery solving while mired in their myriad personal problems and petty dramas. I’m really proud of this game despite the short amount of time I spent with it (four days). I had no idea this concept would spiral so far out of my control and come to fruition so soon. Please go and check it out on my Games page! The only thing I’m more excited than getting this game in the hands of interested people is the prospect of getting to play it with my dear friends which was the primary reason I made it.

On a down note, I am still deliriously ill and getting worse in a new direction now in the flavor of sinus hell as opposed to a throat curse. Joy! I’m going to have to find something else to work on obsessively now that my game is finished (unless I want to rework the visuals in the sourcebook with original art) other than playing Pathologic 2 (truly feeling “immersed” over here).

14 June 2024 [8AM]

In the throes of curse affliction (illness) I conjured up a new concept for a journaling TTRPG that I’m now incredibly excited to develop further and already have some friends on board for testing. While I did finish my officially three day sketchbook challenge, I have not been physically able to get back on track and reasonably conquer my prompts just yet, but the point of them ultimately is to spark my creativity and get me making a diverse array of things. It’s less about completing each day in a timely manner. The new game concept is one that I can develop to any length I desire and still feel satisfaction with the final result. I was so delighted to fall into the idea after aimlessly browsing other physical games on Itch and making a sudden connection with themes in a past (slightly abandoned) project of mine. I’m very excited to develop this concept and eventually share it on my site!

In the last entry I discussed my urge to write a new blog article and the thought is still on my mind. I considered writing a follow up to one of my journaling articles to address recent developments in my practice, but I hesitate because a follow up might be more suited for the “anniversary” of that article so I can reflect on where I’ve gone since and (hopefully) end on a tad less depressing note (I have gotten, for lack of a better word, lazy with my art journaling practices).

Media-wise, I started a replay of Pathologic 2 after troubleshooting some obnoxious issues caused by the poorly optimized nature of that game taxing my PC to a ridiculous degree. There’s no better, more “immersive” way to play the game than during a time where you’re at minimum enshrouded by a general feeling of malaise. I forgot how phenomenally eerie the opening of that game was. Expect an article of some kind on Pathologic as a whole from me at some point.

12 June 2024 [5AM]

Still not the most creatively productive as I have been struck down by some sort of illness. Nonetheless, I refuse to give up. The past two days I’ve been working on what was supposed to be a one day sketchbook challenge that is now morphing into a three day challenge I’m certain I can best today (if a bit poorly). Trouble is coming in the form of the temptation to work on other zine concepts instead of my challenges as I am once again high on the prospects of zines. My zine idea list is swelling to an alarming size.Not to mention I am once again feeling the urge to work on a new blog article (perhaps the fabled, long overdue spatial horror list article). The trouble is that I want to do these things, but I remain only capable of slowly playing media (my more palatable alternative general term for “consuming media”).

Speaking of media, I played the wonderful Hypnospace Outlaw which I wrote a tiny review on for my reviews page and I am debating what to play next. Strictly games-wise, I am half-tempted to replay Pathologic 2 as I am compelled to do during any period of illness. Though there are a few other games I’ve already started or have been languishing on my “to play” list for far too long that I should get around to finally. Then there’s the entire issue of the Elden Ring DLC on the horizon, yikes!

I’d like everyone who reads this to take a moment (if applicable) to appreciate that you’re not physically ill as a favor to your future possibly afflicted selves.

09 June 2024 [6AM]

Creativity is proving to be less fruitful than I’d hoped, but I remain firm in my refusal to give up. The month of June hasn’t managed to suddenly fix any looming specter of art block and I must accept this. I’m not allowing myself to fall any further behind on prompts than I already am, but I’ve been thus far unable to truly catch up on the prompts that have accumulated. I’m opting to be kind to myself and not pressure myself too much over it all. Otherwise I’d burn myself out even more.

In other news [x2]:

* Had a horrible hair bleaching incident for the first time in my DIY hair “career” wherein my hair heated up so much that it felt like it was burning my hand to the touch. Had to rush to wash all the bleach out and was left with a very underwhelming light red color (which at least removed a lot of the dark red that was refusing to come out of my hair normally). Unsure if the Orange Revival will look proper if applied over this current color, but I’m optimistic. It might look even cooler.

* Finally reading Tomie by Junji Ito, as a major fan of Uzumaki ever since I discovered a cursed copy in my middle school library it was only a matter of time before I got around to reading his first published work. It goes without saying that it’s beautifully illustrated with delectable inks. I adore how he stylizes eyes in particular. I’ve read half of the stories at the time of writing and not a single one was a weak link. Though I was put off by the appearance of the old man that looks vaguely like Freud.

08 June 2024 [8AM]

Experimenting with a new smaller journaling system for personal thoughts that don’t warrant full blog articles of varying size. Feeling highly inclined to transform my site with new content in light of the rush of creative energy that the month of June typically heralds for me (happy pride). Exactly what this feature will look like and what will become of it remains to be seen…

In other news:

* A couple days ago I finally got around to releasing an old small zine (Public Domain Cats) and my solo journaling game from last year (DIY Haruspicy) alongside a brand new zine made just this month (Cringe is the Mind-killer)! Releasing “content” is a frightening experience I am hardly equipped to cope with, but in the spirit of the times I will be endeavoring to doing things scared.

* I’m getting back into reading again after a Homestuck-related lapse in my usual habit. I’ve been reading academic texts as well as indulgent fiction. Currently enjoying The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton, an actually quite fun (so far) romantasy romp.

* Continuing to experiment with visual novels as I learn how to use Ren’Py for planned future long-term game projects. At the moment this experimentation is limited to silly, incredibly indulgent prolonged bits about my beloved OCs.

* Fell behind on my June creative prompts (this time themed around the loose concept of “bad art”) due to social obligations and general energy level struggles, but I’m angling to get back into the fray very soon to execute on all these ambitious ideas I have floating around my head.

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